
Tuesday 18 December 2018

3 fun facts

LI: To do Summer learning journey.

Today was was doing the summer learning journey. The task i did was to find 3 facts from a Website then write it in your own words. Then we have to blog it.  


  1. Fakaalofa atu Hosea,

    I'm Lee, one of the Summer Learning Journey blog commentors. I can't wait to read everyone's blogs this Summer! Thankyou for starting off your activities so well! The fact about the dairy farmers making so much butter and cheese each year sis amazing. I know I love cheese, but I can't each 65kg of it in one year! Where do you think it all goes? My Dad's parents were dairy farmer so I remember them milking the cows.
    I look forward to reading more of your writing!
    Talk to you soon
    - Lee

  2. Hi Hosea!
    Its great to see that you are participating in the SLJ. Out of the three fats that you wrote down, which one is your favourite? I have also done this activity and it was fin. I think that you need to work on putting more detail into your blurb to make in stand out.
    Keep up the great work! - Florence

  3. Greetings Hosea,
    I have decided to comment on your blog! Your doing such a amazing job with your blogging. Next time you could out it in a clear front next time.

    Keep it up Hosea!
    By Chavda

  4. Hello Hosea! It's great that you were able to participate in this programme. Well done on your clear D.L.O, I was able to understand it clearly. I was very interested in your first fact that's why I chose it myself. As long as I've been living here, I didn't know that Aotearoa meant land of the long white cloud. Which did you find most interest in? Keep it up!
